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Procedure Text in Manual

Procedure Text in Manual

a.              Definition

Procedure text in manual is a text that explains or helps us how to use or operate somethingIts social function is to describe how something is completely done through a sequence of steps. Communicative purpose of this text is to describe how something is made through a sequence of actions or steps.


b.             Generic Structure

There are three generic  structure  of Procedure Text:

1.        Goal : (e.g : How to use a blender)
2.        Material : (e.g :Blender)
3.        Step : (e.g :Hook your blender up to the mainsUnravel the cable)
c.              C. Social Function of Procedure Text in Manual
  •            The purpose of  Procedure Text in manual is to explain someone how to use or operate something through a sequence of actions or steps.
  •        To explain steps/instruction to make/operate/do something while allowing them to reach the outcome successfully
          d.  Language Features
There are several language features of discussion text, they are;
1.      Use adverbial of sequence / Using temporal conjunction (e.g: first, second, third, the last)
2.      Use command / imperative sentence (e.g : Hook your blender . . ., Unravel the cable, Plug into the socket
3.      Using adverbials (Adverbs) to express detail the time, place, manner accurate, for example, for five minutes, 2 hours, etc.
4.      Using action verbs, e.g : plug, put, turn on
5.      Using Simple Present Tense
e.              Example od Procedure Text

How to use a blender
  •                   Material : Blender


  1. Hook your blender up to the mains.
  2. Unravel the cable.
  3. Plug into the socket in the kitchen that makes the most sense.
  4. Ensure both the plug and socket are clean and dry.
  5. Remove the lid of your blender (some lids click into place, others are locked in using a twisting motion)
  6. Pour your ingredients and liquid in.
  7. Clean it
Answer the questions below :


Step 1: Go to an ATM and insert an ATM card. Make sure that the ATM card is inserted through the side with bank logo and chip and then taken out.

Step 2: Next account holder will be required to select the language of his / her choice.

Step 3: Now use the keypad and enter the four-digit PIN. Entering the wrong PIN can get the ATM card blocked.

Step 4: Now, choose the transaction type from options such as – Withdraw Money, Balance Enquiry, Deposit Money, Bill Pay, and others. To withdraw cash, opt for the ‘Withdraw Money’ option.

Step 5: Next account holder will be required to select the account type – current or savings or any other.

Step 6: Enter the amount to withdraw by pressing the keypad and press ok/enter. Make sure there is sufficient balance available in the account.

Step 7: Collect the money and withdrawal receipt which is proof of the transaction as well. It also contains account balance available after the withdrawal.

Step 8: End the session by pressing the cancel/cross button.

Student's Assignment

1.What is the purpose of procedure text?

2. What is the first step of how to use ATM?

3. What should you do after  Next account holder will be required to select the account type – current or savings or any other?

4. What should you do before Enter the amount to withdraw by pressing the keypad and press ok/enter?

5. What is the last step of how to use ATM? 

Task 2 :

            Every student consist of four students. Every group make one procedure text in manual. Practise in from of the class by using steroform.




Material :





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