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In this part,we will learn about conjunction. The conjunction we learn will be so, so that,in order to, to.

1. So that

So….That …is a subordinating conjunction. Using so .. that… we can combine clauses that show a cause and effect relationship.


a. He studied hard so that he could pass the test

b. I’II tell you best route so that you will arrive on time.(simple future tense)

Or I’II tell you the best route so that you arrive on time.(simple present tense)

c. She didn’t replied my texts so that I tried to call her.

Selain untuk menunjukkan tujuan dari that juga dapat digunakan untuk menunjukkan akibat dari sesuatu (to show the result of something).

So that/in order that (untuk menunjukkan tujuan dari sesuatu)

So that (lebih umum)

In order that (lebih formal)

So that/in order that + modal aux.verb

So that + simple present/future “will”

In order that + simple present

2. in order to

In order to is a subordinating conjunction

We use in order to with an infinitive form of a verb to express the purpose of something.It introduces a subordinate clause.It is more common in writing than in speaking:

{Main clause} Mrs Weaver had to work full time

{subordinate clause} in order to earn a living for herself and her family of five children.

We all need stress in order to achieve and do our best work

The negative of in order to is in order not to:

They never parked the big van in front of the house in order not to upset the neighbors.


a. We should study hard in order to pass the exam

b. Many people in Jakarta decide to leave their office late in the evening in order toavoid traffic jam.

c. He works very hard in order to be able to support his family.

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