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Agreement and Disagreement Expression

Expression of agreement is an expression  that show you are agree with someone's opinion.
Expression of disagreement is an expression  that show you are agree with someone's opinion.

Here are the expressions usually used when to agree or disagree with a certain opinion

Expressing agreement.                                  
-          I agree                                                 
-          I couldn’t agree with you more           
-          That’s true                                           
-          That’s for sure                                     
-          (slang) Tell me about right                 
-          You’re absolutely right                       
 I think so too                                       
You're right                                          

Expressing disagreement
I disagree
(strong) No way
I'm afraid I disagree
(strong) I totally disagree
I bag to differ
 (strong) I’d say the exact opposite
 Not necessarily
I don't think so
You're wrong!

Dialogue 1
Humaira     : Hi, Rafifah! What's wrong with you?
Rafifah       : hmmmm.....I'm so bored. I think we need to go to the cinema this weekend.
Humaira     : I don't think so. We can't go outside because of Covid19
Rafifah       : But I want to do something fun.
Humaira     : Why do't we make a chocolate banana cake together at home?
Rafifah       : That's good idea. I like that cake.

Dialogue 2
Fahmi        : What do you think about Miss Rina?
Ammar      : I think she is good teacher.
Fahmi        : I think so. she is smart and beautiful teacher.
                    I understand her explanation when she gives lesson topic.

Your Assignment

Make a simple dialogue about agreement or disagreement expression!

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